In Case You’ve Decided to Wait


Image from Pinterest, google: she reads



It’s a new year. January has left most of us unsettled and unprepared for its quick arrival and equally as quick departure. …I myself have been busy trying to settle on some major decisions that honestly I’ve been a little hesitant to face before this year. Some of them being as daunting as publishing a book with my sister by the end of the year, looking at the possibilities of bigger online presence, a new direction in blogging and changing majors. The first one there was something I have dreamed about ever since I was in middle school and why haven’t’ I attempted before…good question. ..I thought, having a conversation with my heart about what it was I really wanted to change this year.

If you’re new to this blog. I’m a millennial trying to grasp my handle on time, live a life unlike any other, and rage against the deafening screams of fear and joint stiffening paralysis that insist that we can’t. A lot of my post consist of my understanding of time, its passes and allowances in the day to day run. But for those who wait it’s easy to lose track and this was just a small reminder to myself and now you (my friends) to charge forward.

The things that we are after are not like the whims of others that come so easily and are dismissed. We find bravery despite January’s cold. In every single one of us is a conquering nature and with it a choice to rise to every obstacle or reject it (and with that ourselves).

Strengthen yourselves and take heart.

Just in case you’ve decided to wait…dont.

Remember Love,

Done is better than perfect.


Thought of the Day:
“…I am still as vigorous to go out and battle now as I was then. (Joshua 14:11)








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