


I’m Eli

I am a 20 something embarking on a very scary but crazy  beautiful thing called life.

Trying to understand why am IIMG_0409 the way I am on a journey of spirituality and wholeness. I am majoring in Psychology  and attempting to gain the understanding of the most complex system in the universe ;the mind. I am an aspiring artist, poet , and writer soon
to get my items published. Waiting for my element…

I love talking to people and finding patterns in their thinking mostly ,as well as my own.

I enjoy watching old Hollywood movies  and classic cartoons with a game of scrabble.

I love road trips, undiscovered spots, and long drives in a car with good conversation and milkshakes!

I have been known to dance in the hallways, quote lines from movies and commercials , sing quietly and laugh loudly.

I am a Christian. I’ve been in church all of my life and on this path I am trying to figure out just what my purpose is and daring to believe that everything will work out in the end. Choosing to believe in it…every day. This site is for encouraging everyone to ask  yourself questions that you never dared and doing things that you never dreamed. No matter the format you will find deep thought and insight on just what the point of it all is .

I also wouldn’t mind if you followed me 😉



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